Fundamentally, I am a grass roots person and so, over the course of my term, I intend to meet with as many of you as possible, in your regions, and in your workplaces. The CSQ has always been close to its members, but it will be building even closer ties in coming months.
We know that your working conditions have largely deteriorated over the years due to reforms, cutbacks, spending cuts, and new management models. This cannot continue any longer, and we must take back the initiative and take collective action to bring about change. If we want to make our workplaces healthier again, we will need to mobilize to force the government's - and employers' - hand.
More than ever, we need to rediscover the benefits of solidarity, a solidarity that encompasses much more than merely belonging to the same profession. Too many workers are suffering from an imbalance between their personal and professional lives, one that is imposed on them.
The issue of family-work-education balance has never been more prominent. Yet, we seem to be losing more ground than ever in this area. Together, we can find solutions and implement them successfully.
From now on, we must all make it our mission to restore hope to the many workers who feel powerless.
From now on, we must multiply actions in every one of our workplaces to oppose what is unacceptable and unfair.
From now on, the name “CSQ” must become a strong symbol of solidarity.
I look forward to meeting with you all.